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    Essential Items for a Successful Duck Hunting Trip



    What to bring for a duck hunting trip

    For a great duck hunting trip, the right gear is key. Essential duck hunting equipment, like duck hunting gear, can be a game-changer. It can greatly improve your hunting experience and boost your success rate.

    Getting ready for a duck hunting trip is all about the right equipment. You’ll need firearms, ammo, clothes, and weather gear. Each piece of gear is important for a successful hunt. It’s also crucial to hunt responsibly and follow local rules.

    Introduction to Duck Hunting

    Duck hunting is about skill, strategy, and the right gear. With the right equipment, you can have a better hunting experience. This article will cover the must-have items for a successful duck hunting trip.

    Key Takeaways

    • Essential duck hunting equipment is crucial for a successful hunt
    • Duck hunting gear can enhance your hunting experience and increase your chances of success
    • Proper preparation and responsible hunting practices are essential
    • Adherence to local regulations is vital for a safe and successful hunt
    • Combining skill, strategy, and the right essential duck hunting equipment is key to a successful duck hunting trip
    • Having the right duck hunting gear can make a significant difference in your hunting experience

    Understanding Duck Hunting Basics and Required Licenses

    Before you go duck hunting, it’s key to know the basics and what licenses you need. Duck hunting licenses are important. They help control the duck population and ensure hunting is done right. In the U.S., you must get a Federal Duck Stamp for duck hunting licenses.

    The Federal Duck Stamp lets you hunt migratory waterfowl, like ducks. The money from these stamps goes to protect wetlands. These areas are crucial for ducks. You also need state-specific hunting licenses, which change based on where you are and the type of hunt.

    Federal Duck Stamp Requirements

    To get a Federal Duck Stamp, you must pass a hunter safety certification course. This course teaches you how to hunt safely and responsibly. It also covers conservation and wildlife management.

    State-Specific Hunting Licenses

    State-specific hunting licenses are also needed for duck hunting. These licenses differ by state and region. They might require a hunter safety certification course or a special permit. Check with your state’s wildlife agency for duck hunting licenses details.

    State Licensing Requirements
    California Federal Duck Stamp, California hunting license, and completion of a hunter safety certification course
    Texas Federal Duck Stamp, Texas hunting license, and completion of a hunter safety certification course

    Hunter Safety Certification Needs

    Hunter safety certification is vital for safe hunting. These courses teach you about firearms, wildlife, and conservation. By getting hunter safety certification, you learn to hunt safely and responsibly.

    Essential Duck Hunting Firearms and Ammunition

    For a successful duck hunt, the right gear is key. Duck hunting shotguns are made for waterfowl hunting. They come in gauges like 12 and 20, with barrel lengths from 26 to 30 inches.

    Choosing the right waterfowl ammunition is also important. Steel shot is popular because it’s non-toxic and works well. Think about the shot’s weight, velocity, and pattern density too.

    Popular duck hunting shotguns include the Remington 870 and the Beretta Xtrema2. These are reliable and perform well. When picking a shotgun, look at its weight, balance, and how it feels in your hands. Also, think about the waterfowl ammunition you’ll use.

    Practicing with your shotgun and waterfowl ammunition can improve your aim. It helps you know your shotgun’s strengths and your own shooting skills. With the right gear and practice, you’ll have a better chance of a successful hunt.

    Shotgun Model Gauge Barrel Length
    Remington 870 12 26-30 inches
    Beretta Xtrema2 12 28-30 inches

    Duck Hunting Clothing and Weather Protection

    Duck hunting requires the right clothes and gear for a successful trip. The apparel should handle rain, wind, and cold. Waterproof jackets and pants keep hunters dry and warm.

    A layering system is key for staying warm. This includes a moisture-wicking base layer, an insulating mid-layer, and a waterproof outer layer. Effective layering prevents hypothermia and keeps hunters cozy all day.

    Waterproof Outerwear Essentials

    Waterproof outerwear is essential for duck hunting. Look for gear with a waterproof and breathable membrane, like Gore-Tex. This keeps hunters dry and comfy, even when it’s wet.

    Layering Systems for Different Weather

    Weather affects the layering system needed. In cold weather, add an extra insulating layer. In warmer weather, a lighter base layer works better. Knowing how to layer right improves comfort and performance.

    Wader Selection and Care

    Waders are crucial for duck hunting. Hunters should pick waders that fit well and are durable. Taking care of waders extends their life and keeps them effective.

    • Choose waders with a comfortable fit
    • Look for durable, waterproof materials
    • Regularly clean and maintain waders to extend their lifespan

    Investing in quality duck hunting apparel and gear keeps hunters comfortable and safe, no matter the weather.

    What to Bring for a Duck Hunting Trip: Complete Checklist

    Getting ready for a duck hunting trip means having a detailed duck hunting checklist. This list should cover all hunting trip essentials. You’ll need firearms and ammo, clothes and gear, decoys, calls, and safety items. Don’t forget personal stuff like food and water.

    Having a good checklist helps avoid missing important items. This reduces the risk of accidents and boosts your chances of a good hunt. Key items to remember include:

    • Firearms and ammunition
    • Clothing and gear, such as waterproof outerwear and insulated layers
    • Decoys and calls, including different types of decoys and call devices
    • Navigation and safety equipment, such as GPS devices and first aid kits
    • Personal items, such as food, water, and sunscreen

    By using a detailed duck hunting checklist and packing all needed hunting trip essentials, you can enjoy the hunt more. You’ll know you’re ready for a safe and successful day.

    Always check the weather forecast before you go. Make sure your checklist includes everything you need for any weather.

    Duck Decoys and Deployment Equipment

    Having the right equipment is key for duck hunting. Duck hunting decoys are essential. They look and move like real ducks, drawing them to the hunting spot. The right decoy spread can greatly boost your chances of a good hunt.

    There are many types of decoys, like floating, full-body, and motion decoys. Each is best for different hunting places. For example, floating decoys work well in open water, while full-body decoys are better for fields and marshes. Motion decoys make it seem like ducks are moving, attracting them more.

    Types of Decoys

    • Floating decoys: ideal for open water hunting
    • Full-body decoys: suitable for field and marsh hunting
    • Motion decoys: create the illusion of movement

    Choosing the right decoy spread and pattern is also key. A good spread can draw ducks from far away. But a bad one can scare them off. Think about the ducks you’re hunting, the terrain, and the weather when setting up your spread. The right decoys and spreads can lead to a successful hunt.

    Decoy Spreads and Patterns

    Some popular decoy spreads and patterns include:

    • Linear spreads: ideal for open water hunting
    • Curved spreads: suitable for field and marsh hunting
    • Cluster spreads: create a focal point for ducks

    It’s also important to store and transport decoys well. This keeps them in good shape and lasts longer. Invest in quality storage bags and cases to protect your decoys. Taking care of your decoys means they’ll keep attracting ducks for many seasons.

    Decoy Type Characteristics Suitable Hunting Situation
    Floating Decoys Realistic appearance, durable construction Open water hunting
    Full-Body Decoys Highly detailed, realistic movement Field and marsh hunting
    Motion Decoys Create illusion of movement, adjustable speed Open water and field hunting

    Essential Duck Calls and Usage Techniques

    Duck hunting calls are key to a successful hunt. They help hunters talk to ducks and get them close enough to shoot. Calling techniques are important for attracting the right ducks. There are different types of calls, like single-reed and double-reed, for different species.

    Practicing and timing are crucial when using duck hunting calls. Hunters need to learn the sounds of different ducks. They must consider the time of day, weather, and the ducks’ behavior. For example, mallards like loud, high-pitched calls, while wood ducks prefer softer, raspy ones.

    • Start with a soft, gentle call to attract ducks from a distance
    • Gradually increase the volume and intensity of the call as the ducks approach
    • Use a variety of calls to mimic the sounds of different duck species
    • Pay attention to the wind direction and adjust the call accordingly

    Mastering duck hunting calls and calling techniques boosts your hunting success. Whether you use single-reed or double-reed calls, practice is key. Developing a good sense of timing and awareness of your surroundings is essential.

    Duck Species Recommended Call Calling Technique
    Mallards Single-reed call Loud, high-pitched call
    Wood Ducks Double-reed call Soft, raspy call

    Navigation and Safety Equipment

    Going on a duck hunting trip in the wilderness means you need the right gear. This includes hunting safety gear and outdoor navigation tools. These help you stay on track and keep in touch with your team if something goes wrong.

    A good GPS is key for finding your way. It helps you know where you are and how to get back to camp. Also, a waterproof radio or satellite phone is vital. It lets you call for help and stay in touch with your team in an emergency.

    Essential Emergency Supplies

    • Signaling devices, such as flares or whistles
    • Fire-starting materials, such as matches or lighters
    • Shelter options, such as a tent or tarp

    Don’t forget a first aid kit. It should have bandages, antiseptic wipes, and pain relievers. Knowing how to use these items is as important as having them. Take a first aid course before your trip.

    Quality navigation and safety equipment are crucial for a safe duck hunting trip. Always put safety first for yourself and your team. Never go into the wilderness without the right gear and knowledge.

    Blind Construction and Concealment Materials

    Having the right duck hunting blinds is key for a successful hunt. A well-made blind helps you blend in, boosting your chances of success. You can choose from boat blinds, layout blinds, and permanent blinds, each with its own benefits and drawbacks.

    Using camouflage techniques is also vital. You can use real plants or artificial camouflage netting. The right materials and a smart location make your blind a perfect hideout.

    When building a blind, consider the material, size, and location. A well-hidden blind in a strategic spot can greatly improve your hunting success. The right blind and camouflage can make your hunting setup unbeatable.

    Some top materials for blinds include:

    • Natural vegetation, such as grasses and leaves
    • Artificial materials, such as camouflage netting
    • Wood or metal framing, for added durability

    Choosing the right materials and building your blind carefully will help you succeed in duck hunting.

    Dog Handling Equipment and Supplies

    For hunters who use dogs for retrieving, the right gear is key. This includes hunting dog gear like neoprene vests and boots to keep dogs safe. A well-equipped dog can greatly improve a hunt’s success.

    Retriever training equipment such as dummy launchers and scent products is also crucial. These tools enhance a dog’s field performance, making them better at retrieving. The right training and equipment turn a dog into a valuable hunting partner.

    It’s also vital to have emergency supplies ready. This includes pet first aid items like bandages and antiseptic wipes. A well-stocked first aid kit ensures quick and effective treatment for any injuries or illnesses, keeping the dog safe and healthy.

    Dog Safety Gear

    • Neoprene vests
    • Protective boots
    • First aid kits

    Training Tools and Accessories

    • Dummy launchers
    • Scent products
    • Training collars

    Pet First Aid Supplies

    • Bandages
    • Antiseptic wipes
    • Pain relievers

    Investing in the right hunting dog gear and retriever training equipment ensures a safe and successful hunt. With the right supplies, dogs can perform their best. Hunters then enjoy a more productive and enjoyable hunting experience.

    Food and Hydration Supplies for the Field

    When you go on a duck hunting trip, it’s key to bring the right hunting trip food. This food should give you energy all day. Good choices include nuts and jerky, which are high in protein. Meal replacement bars are also good because they’re light and simple to carry.

    Staying hydrated is also vital, especially when you’re outside. Outdoor hydration systems make sure you have clean water all day. You can pick from water bottles or hydration packs. Here are some tips for picking the best one:

    • Think about how long you’ll be out and how much water you’ll need
    • Choose something tough and simple to clean
    • Find a system with a built-in filter or purification tablets for safe water

    It’s also crucial to keep food and water safe and dry outside. Use airtight containers and keep them in a cool, dry spot. With the right hunting trip food and an outdoor hydration system, you’ll have a safe and successful duck hunting trip.

    Game Processing and Transportation Tools

    After a successful hunt, it’s key to have the right tools for processing and transporting your game. You’ll need field dressing tools like knives, shears, and game bags. These are crucial for keeping the meat quality high. It’s important to use and care for these tools well to ensure a clean and efficient process.

    For game transportation, following local laws and using the right containers is vital. You should use containers that won’t leak and keep the game cool. Also, handle the game carefully to avoid damage.

    Field Dressing Equipment

    Field dressing tools are a must for hunting. These include:

    • Knives: used for skinning and cleaning the game
    • Shears: used for cutting through bones and cartilage
    • Game bags: used for storing and transporting the game

    Storage and Cooling Solutions

    It’s crucial to store and cool the game right to keep the meat quality high. Some solutions include:

    • Portable coolers: used for keeping the game cool during transport
    • Ice packs: used for cooling and preventing spoilage

    Transportation Containers

    Transportation containers are key for game transport. They should be:

    • Leak-proof: to prevent leakage and mess during transport
    • Durable: to withstand transport rigors
    • Easy to clean: to prevent disease and contamination spread

    By using the right tools, storage, and containers, hunters can ensure their game is handled and transported safely and humanely. This makes the most of their hunting experience.

    Equipment Purpose
    Field dressing tools For skinning, cleaning, and preparing the game
    Storage and cooling solutions For preserving the quality of the meat during transport
    Transportation containers For safely and humanely transporting the harvested game

    Conclusion: Preparing for a Successful Hunt

    As you get ready for your next duck hunting trip, remember that good preparation is key. You’ll have a safe, fun, and successful time. Make sure you have the right gear, know the local rules, and practice your hunting skills.

    This guide has lots of useful tips for your hunting trip planning. From choosing the right guns and ammo to learning duck calls and setting up decoys, it’s all here. Stay safe, informed, and always respect the wildlife and nature.

    With your preparations done, you can enjoy the hunt, your friends, and the joy of a successful day. So, start planning your next duck hunting adventure today!


    What is a Federal Duck Stamp and why is it required for duck hunting?

    The Federal Duck Stamp is an annual pass needed for duck hunting. It funds conservation of wetlands and wildlife habitats. Hunters aged 16 and older must buy one.

    What type of shotgun is best suited for duck hunting?

    A 12-gauge shotgun is the top choice for duck hunting. It offers the right mix of power, recoil, and ammo for hunting waterfowl.

    What are the key considerations when choosing duck hunting clothing and gear?

    When picking duck hunting clothes and gear, focus on waterproofing, insulation, and camouflage. Choose high-quality, breathable, and layerable items. They help you stay warm and hidden in different weather.

    How should duck decoys be deployed for the best results?

    To get the most out of duck decoys, create a natural-looking spread. Use decoys that mimic real ducks. The number and placement of decoys also matter for success.

    What are some essential safety considerations for duck hunting trips?

    Safety first includes handling firearms correctly and wearing life jackets on boats. Always carry emergency supplies and know first aid. Stay alert and follow local rules for a safe hunt.

    How can a hunting dog enhance the duck hunting experience?

    Hunting dogs like Labradors or Chesapeake Bay Retrievers can make duck hunting better. They find, retrieve, and bring back downed birds. They’re a big help in the field.

    Roma Bikin Pemain Mahjong Makin Fokus dan Menang: Rahasia Ini Terbukti Ampuh Sejak Zaman Dulu Supermi Ternyata Punya Kaitan Rahasia dengan Mahjong: Fakta Ini Bikin Orang Terkejut Sekali Qtela Bisa Meningkatkan Skill Mahjong Secara Drastis: Pemain Wajib Tahu Trik Rahasia Ini Sekarang Khong Guan dan Mahjong Punya Hubungan Ajaib: Fakta Tersembunyi Ini Bikin Semua Orang Kaget Sekali Kusuka Jadi Jajanan Wajib Para Pemain Mahjong Profesional: Ternyata Ini Alasan Sebenarnya yang Mengejutkan Good Time dan Mahjong Ternyata Punya Hubungan Misterius: Fakta Baru Ini Akan Mengubah Hidupmu Chitato Rasa Mahjong: Makan Sekali Bisa Bikin Pemain Langsung Jago dan Hoki Setiap Hari Indomie Bikin Pemain Mahjong Auto Menang: Rahasia Ini Terbongkar dan Wajib Dicoba Sekarang Juga TicTac Bisa Bantu Pecahkan Strategi Mahjong Sulit: Rahasia Ini Baru Terungkap ke Publik Sekarang Taro: Rahasia Pemain Mahjong Profesional, Makan Ini Bisa Bantu Kamu Menang Terus Tanpa Kalah Keajaiban Pulau Komodo Hubungannya dengan Mahjong Ways Mahjong Ways dan Bintan: Liburan Penuh Sensasi dan Jackpot Suasana Mistis Gunung Bromo Inspirasi Kemenangan Mahjong Ways Pulang dari Labuan Bajo Wajah Berseri Karena Mahjong Ways Raja Ampat dan Mahjong Ways: Petualangan Kemenangan Besar Keberuntungan Danau Toba dan Mahjong Ways: Kebetulan atau Takdir? Pulau Komodo: Tantangan Seru Seperti Mahjong Ways yang Penuh Kegembiraan Main Mahjong Ways di Pantai Bintan: Udara Laut Bawa Kemenangan Labuan Bajo dan Mahjong Ways: Petualangan Seru yang Jadi Jackpot Mahjong Ways atau Gunung Bromo: Tantangan Seru dengan Hadiah Besar Rahasia Labuan Bajo Terbongkar di Mahjong Ways Serunya Jelajah Raja Ampat Main Mahjong Ways Mitos Fakta Udara Bromo Bikin Hoki Mahjong Ways Danau Toba Inspirasi Strategi Menang Mahjong Ways Terpesona Pulau Komodo Coba Mahjong Ways Pantai Bintan dan Mahjong Ways Dua Dunia Bertemu Alasan Pemain Mahjong Ways Sering Kunjungi Raja Ampat Liburan Labuan Bajo Main Mahjong Ways Kombinasi Harus Coba Gunung Bromo dan Mahjong Ways Rahasia Kombinasi Keberuntungan Bawa Energi Positif Danau Toba ke Mahjong Ways Ampuh Wisata Mistis Gunung Olympus Inspirasi Kakek Zeus Serunya Wisata Gate of Olympus Dunia Nyata 5 Spot Wisata Terinspirasi Gate of Olympus Wisata Gunung Olympus Kelahiran Kakek Zeus 7 Destinasi Wisata Gate of Olympus BEST808 Mode Olympus x1000: Strategi dan Tips JP Sensasional 2025 Cara Sukses Raja Atmos: Pola Olympus BEST808 Auto JP JP Maxwin Dadakan Dari Free Spin BEST808 Pak Dirman Pindah Profesi: Kekuatan Olympus Pragmatic BEST808 Link Mode Jackpot BEST808: Teruji Maknyos Gacor Maxwin Sensasional Modal Receh Jadi Jutaan! Kang Dedi Panen Untung Berkat Kakek Zeus BEST808 Kakek Zeus Berikan Keajaiban untuk Mang Beni BEST808 Bu Ratna Renovasi Warung Padang Berkat Jackpot Kakek Zeus BEST808 Mang Agus Bangun Usaha dari Nol Berkat Jackpot Olympus BEST808 Dari Lato-lato ke Modal Nikah Berkat Jackpot Kakek Zeus BEST808 Simbol Multiplier BEST808: Potensi Cuan 2025, Peningkatan Kemenangan 500x Atmosfer Jackpot Sensational Olympus BEST808: Tanpa Rungkad, Grafik Spektakuler Simbol Scatter: Kesempatan Emas BEST808 Jackpot Olympus Free Spin Kang Gundu Tuai Pujian: Keunggulan Olympus Panen Miliaran RTP BEST808 Scatter Maxwin Olympus BEST808 Tahun 2025: Gacor Ampuh Jackpot Sensasional Tukang Parkir Pak Jaja Jadi Juragan Jackpot Mahjong Ways Starlight Princess Bawa Hoki Imlek, Omzet Pak Arif Naik Drastis Modal Nasi Bungkus, Warung Bu Leni Raup Untung Mahjong Ways Auto Maxwin 10 Menit Tanpa Ribet Rahasia Auto Maxwin 10 Menit Gak Perlu Lama 10 Menit Maxwin Trik Cepat Maxwin 10 Menit 10 Menit Saldo Gendut Maxwin Modal 10 Menit Auto Maxwin Harian Mau Maxwin Cepat 10 Menit Trik 10 Menit Maxwin Ngocor Terus Trik 10 Menit Maxwin Gampang Maxwin Anti Lama 10 Menit Cuan Modal Receh CUAN Langsung JP Ngalir Main Santai Cuan Cepat Modal Receh Anti Lama Jackpot Gila Modal Tipis JP Ngalir Modal Tipis Strategi Rahasia Modal Receh Hasil Sultan Trik Ampuh CUAN Cepat JP Modal Kecil Rahasia Modal Tipis Hasil Tebal Jackpot Ampuh JP Ngalir Trik Santai Cuan Mudah Modal Banyak Zonk Modal Receh JP Cuan Anti Drama Receh Langsung JP Naga Emas Kaya Raya Semalam BEST808 Legenda Naga Emas Mahjong Fakta BEST808 RTP Live PG BEST808 Tembus 99 Persen Trik Rahasia RTP Live PG BEST808 Kenapa RTP Live PG BEST808 Ramai Gatot Kaca vs Gates of Gatot Kaca BEST808 Gatot Kaca Asli vs Gates Fakta BEST808 Rahasia Naga Emas Mahjong Gua Tersembunyi TOS808 Penduduk Desa Naga Emas Mahjong TOS808 Naga Emas Mahjong Ada Bukti Mengejutkan TOS808 Sensational Starlight 1000 Sistem RTP Live PG TOS808 Bocoran RTP Live PG Jam Main Maxwin TOS808 RTP Live PG Malam Ini JP Gila-Gilaan TOS808 Rahasia Gates of Gatot Kaca Sejarah Asli TOS808 Gates of Gatot Kaca Lebih Kuat Bukti Baru TOS808 Mang Ujang Ojek Cuan Mahjong Ways Warung Padang Bu Desi Laba Mahjong Ways Imlek Keberuntungan Mahjong Ways Dari Lato-Lato ke JP Mahjong Ways Cincin Kawin Tukang Sate Jackpot Mahjong Ways Pasar Malam Gempar Mahjong Ways Direktur Minyak Goreng Kejutan Mahjong Ways Tukang Cilok Hadiah Jackpot Mahjong Ways Rupiah Melemah Keuntungan Mahjong Ways Seminar Pak Haji Cara Menang Mahjong Ways Tukang Jait Bu Ijah Pola Mahjong Ways Shio Naga Hubungan Mahjong Ways Suara Rakyat Gempar Warga Mahjong Ways Pernikahan Juan Boyband Korea Hoki Mahjong Ways Mahjong Ways Kasih Emas 10gram Kok Bisa Ngidam Bakmie Singapore Cuan Mahjong Ways Pria Idaman Bangsawan Rahasia Mahjong Ways Squid Game Kategori Khusus Mahjong Ways Warung Nasi Ubah Nasib Mahjong Ways Jurus Taici Hasil Mahjong Ways Minum Jamu Mahjong Ways Lupa Daratan Buku Pertahanan Anti Rungkad Mahjong Ways Tissue Magic Pengaruh Game Mahjong Ways Iklan Bear Brand Naga Mahjong Ways Shio Naga Mahjong Ways Keberuntungan Ganda Panduan Bermain Mahjong Ways Pola Ampuh Tips Bocoran Pola Efektif Mahjong Ways Hasil Optimal Panduan Bermain TOS808 Pola Gacor Olympus Trik Jitu Slot Online Raih Kemenangan Maksimal Bocoran Spin Mahjong Ways 2 Pola Tepat TOS808 Tasya Angpao Imlek Scatter Hitam Mahjong Wins 3 Ardi Makswin Gates of Olympus Imlek Maya Cuan Imlek Scatter Hitam Mahjong Wins 3 Bayu Keberuntungan Starlight Princess Makswin Imlek Fitri Jackpot Mahjong Wins 3 Scatter Hitam Kevin Rejeki Imlek Multiplier Gates of Olympus Novi Makswin Imlek Scatter Hitam Mahjong Wins 3 Bima Makswin Starlight Princess Free Spins Imlek Rizka Scatter Hitam Mahjong Wins 3 Makswin Imlek Yudi Jackpot Gates of Olympus Imlek Multiplier Zara Keberuntungan Imlek Scatter Hitam Mahjong Wins 3 Rafi Makswin Starlight Princess Imlek Lila Jackpot Scatter Hitam Mahjong Wins 3 Imlek Bimo Rezeki Multiplier Gates of Olympus Cici Makswin Imlek Scatter Hitam Mahjong Wins 3 Dani Keberuntungan Tahun Baru Cina Starlight Princess Eka Cuan Scatter Hitam Mahjong Wins 3 Fira Kemenangan Imlek Gates of Olympus Gio Angpao Scatter Hitam Mahjong Wins 3 Hani Makswin Starlight Princess Imlek Ika Scatter Hitam Mahjong Wins 3 Makswin Joko Menang Gates of Olympus Imlek Kiki Rezeki Imlek Scatter Hitam Mahjong Wins 3 Lutfi Free Spins Makswin Starlight Princess Imlek Mira Scatter Hitam Mahjong Wins 3 Cuan Nina Keberuntungan Imlek Gates of Olympus Odi Rezeki Imlek Scatter Hitam Mahjong Wins 3 Putri Makswin Imlek Starlight Princess Strategi Rani Keberuntungan Tahun Baru Cina Mahjong Wins 3 Sinta Jackpot Gates of Olympus Imlek Zara Keberuntungan Imlek Scatter Hitam Mahjong Wins 3 Rafi Makswin Starlight Princess Imlek Lila Jackpot Scatter Hitam Mahjong Wins 3 Imlek Bimo Rezeki Multiplier Gates of Olympus Cici Makswin Imlek Scatter Hitam Mahjong Wins 3 Dani Keberuntungan Tahun Baru Cina Starlight Princess Eka Cuan Scatter Hitam Mahjong Wins 3 Fira Kemenangan Imlek Gates of Olympus Gio Angpao Scatter Hitam Mahjong Wins 3 Hani Makswin Starlight Princess Imlek Farah Trik Scatter Emas Sweet Bonanza Jackpot Didi Scatter Hitam Sweet Bonanza Pemahaman Vina Scatter Emas Starlight Princess Nasib Tomi Strategi Scatter Hitam Wild Bounty Sabrina Scatter Hitam Wild Bounty Makswin Rendy Scatter Emas Starlight Princess Kemenangan Iwan Keberhasilan Wild Bounty Respins Hana Menang Sweet Bonanza Trik Taruhan Gilang Strategi Multiplier Starlight Princess Fira Kombinasi Fitur Bonus Wild Bounty Iman Makswin Imlek Scatter Hitam Mahjong Wins 3